Do you know how to show up on social media?

Do you have no idea how to navigate the world of social media?

Would you like to learn how to do this in about two hours? 

At the end of two hours, you will know how to take pictures, post pictures, build your brand and attract clients using social media.

Hell, yeah! I wanna learn this!!

The Socials, a beginner's guide for hairstylists, where you will be able to learn how to use the power of social media in about 2 hours to attract new clients, build a loyal following, turn those followers into paying clients, and ultimately grow your business.


This course will be in your hands for lifetime access so you can go back to topics you want to re-learn. This course is not time-limited and I created all the lessons brief and straight to the point, so you learn them easily and fast.

Get in on the at $47

As a hairstylist, you pour your heart and soul into your work.

You create stunning works of art that make your clients feel confident and beautiful.

Do you scroll through your gallery with a lot of photos and videos too confused about what to post? 

"Hair transformation photos?"
"Should I post a client review?"
"Perhaps a Reel?"
"What about my promos and giveaways?"
"I know I should post all types of content, but I just can't find the right post"
"I wish someone can give me a guide that helps me know what to post next"


You know that in order for your social media account to grow, you’re “supposed” to stay consistent with posting. You may find it challenging to consistently create high-quality content for social media while also managing your day-to-day life.


What if we give you a year's worth of content ideas and all you have to do is pick one and create? 


That's one MAJOR problem off your plate.


I like easy stuff. I want in!!
In this KICK ASS online course you'll learn the ins and outs of social media marketing, including:
  • How to create a brand that screams YOU and also speaks to your dream clients on social media.
  • How to plan out a consistent content strategy to post so you're not left wondering, WTF do I post today?
  • How to create content not just for the sake of posting, but with a useful purpose for your brand.
  • How to edit and create social media posts fast and efficiently
  • How to build a loyal following through authentic engagement with your audience. 
  • How to film and create content, even if you have no experience and are doing it all alone.
  • How to capture the right photos for your social media 
  • How to edit carousels and learn the value of storytelling
  • How to choose a content topic and edit reels that show your expertise.
  • Video Marketing- you'll discover how to create videos that showcase your work in an engaging way. We'll explore different techniques for using video in your marketing strategy.

  • Tips on posting for your social media 
  • Not just Instagram help, Oh Yea, TikTok and even Facebook, too! 
Heck, yeah! I want to grow my business with dream clients!
Can't afford $497?! Well, I got a deal for you. This one-time offer is not gonna last $47 all in today and you get everything like it's a deal that nobody could refuse. You are learning everything about social media for $47.
Get the course at
$47 USD
Get the course at
$47 USD
Hi, I'm Elyse Rox! A hair and life coach to hairstylists...

I have been doing hair for over 35 years, and if I haven't told you yet, my career ultimately changed when I started using social media to attract clients to my salon and level up my social media game.

I have personally experienced the opportunities and collaboration I got through my social media.

I believe that this program can help you elevate your social media presence and grow your business, just like how it did with mine.

Remember, as a hairstylist, your online presence is just as important as your skills with scissors and color. By taking my course, you'll learn how to create compelling content, attract new clients, and build a community of loyal followers.

So, if you're ready to take your hairstyling business to the next level, sign up for my social media course today! I look forward to helping you achieve your social media goals.

ONE BIG RESULT OF ME SHOWING UP IN SOCIAL MEDIA - I was featured in a blog of Modern Salon
Read the full blog here: Click here to read the full blog
Can't afford $497? You are probably wondering why I am doing this for so cheap?! I want you all to succeed at social media and have an amazing career behind the chair!
You have nothing to lose! Pay the course at the price of
$47 USD
You have nothing to lose! Pay the course at the price of
$47 USD
Never struggle again with what to post on your social media with the Socials
  • I've done the hard work for you to create a step-by-step guide to planning out your content calendar that will make your creation process so much easier and quicker. 
    I'll teach my framework which includes the steps you need to do from planning to creating your content, may it be a single post, a carousel, or a reel. 
  • A detailed discussion of how to nail your brand message and know what to post without running out of ideas.
    Identify your brand and show up as your TRUE self without feeling embarrassed or stressed. 
  • I've specifically done this so that the content you dish out is targeted to market your services and attract new followers who will turn into your paying clients. 

    Learn how to leverage social media to increase your clients and sales.

  • I've specifically designed a space in this course for you to figure out who your Dream Client Avatar (DCA) and how to speak to them.
  • As an extra special bonus, I've included a step-by-step tutorial on how to create scroll-stopping posts using my favorite app-- CANVA for Hairstylist  Learn how to create carousels, reels and static posts using Canva.


Content Creation Using Canva

Learn how to create graphics, carousels and reels with one if my most favorite editing app - Canva. 

This Socials is for you, if:

You have absolutely no idea how to use social media and you are looking to increase your online presence and attract more clients through social media platforms such as Instagram, Facebook, and TikTok.

  • You are a hairstylist who wants to leverage social media to grow your business and reach a wider audience. 
  • You're ready to go all in with your social media marketing strategies.
  • You're a go-getter and an action-taker. 
  • You don’t know how to navigate social media and need help behind the chair, and how to use social media to further your business.
  • You don't want to pay 2,000$ a month to have someone do social media marketing for you.  
Can't afford $497? Well, I got a deal for you. This one-time offer is not gonna last $47 all in today and you get everything like it's a deal that nobody could refuse. You are learning everything about social media for $47.
Pay the Course Price of
$47 USD
Pay the Course Price of
$47 USD