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Do you not know how to show up on social media?

Do you have no idea how to navigate the world of social media?

Would you like to learn how to do this in two hours?

A beginner's guide where you will be able to learn how to use the power of social media in less than 2 hours to attract new clients, build a loyal following, turn those followers into paying clients, and ultimately grow your business.

Never struggle again with what to post on your social media with the Socials:

  • I've done the hard work for you to create a step-by-step guide to planning out your content calendar that will make your creation process so much easier and quicker. 
    I'll teach my framework which includes the steps you need to do from planning to creating your content, may it be a single post, a carousel, or a reel. 
  • A detailed discussion of how to nail your brand message and know what to post without running out of ideas.
    Identify your brand and show up as your TRUE self without feeling embarrassed or stressed. 
  • I've specifically done this so that the content you dish out is targeted to market your services and attract new followers who will turn into your paying clients. 

    Learn how to leverage social media to increase your clients and sales.

  • As an extra special bonus, I've included a step-by-step tutorial on how to create scroll-stopping posts using my favorite app-- CANVA for Hairstylist  

          Learn how to create carousels, reels, and static posts using Canva.